26 April 2017

District 3212 - PETS 2017

2017 President Elect Rtn. PHF. Edwin James and Secretary Elect Rtn. PHF. A, Mathavan attended PETS 2017 at UdayaSamuthra Resort, Kovalam. 

Zone 16 President Elect and Secretary Elect with AG Rtn. Jegannathan

we met PDG. Olivannan at PETS

#District3212 #Rotary #Sivakasisparkler 

9 April 2017

Rotary District R3212 Governor Official visit to our Club

Our District Governor Rtn. Major Donor. Dr. K. Vijayakumar officially visited our club on 3rd April 2017.

Released our club Bulletin - The Sparkle

and gave Dust pin to needy school

We gave the cheque to ASHA KARAN Project

Our club was very much delighted with our Governor visit and we all gathered with our family members and it was wonderful evening to our club.

Rotary Club of Sivakasi Sparkler bulletin - THE SPARKLE

Our bulletin - The Sparkle - was released during our Governor official visit on 3rd April 2017. Editor Rtn. PHF. Ravindran done his job perfectly
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